Top tips to transform your bedroom into the boudoir of your dreams.
When it comes to living in a home that we can show off to our relatives, we often overlook the bedroom. We go for a kitchen and bathroom redesign when we first move into a new property. After that, we decorate the rooms that guests most often see. Next, we decorate the children’s rooms, the hallways, and the playrooms. Last, we come to our own neglected bedrooms.
We are here to advocate for the freedom of the master bedroom. It should be elegant, classy, demure, and say everything you need it to say between you and your partner. It should be your space – the one room in the house that you don’t have to worry about highlighting to the public. It’s your sanctuary, your haven. So why do we neglect it?
It’s time to tuck into tidying up the bedroom. Here are some top tips for prioritising it and prioritising yourself.
How do you Dress your Bed?
Is your bed a divan set or a standalone? Does it come with a wooden frame? Do you even own a headboard? A headboard and a kickboard are the two pieces you can add to a bed to accentuate the style of the room. Uses these two pieces to highlight your colour scheme, add luxury with a rich fabric, and enhance the space. Headboards also keep away any draughts int the room, stopping you developing sniffles in the night.

Your bed is the centrepiece of the bedroom. However you dress it, make it look inviting, comfortable, and as luxurious as possible. Add multiple blankets and throws to enhance the comfort factor. Use pillows and cushions to mimic patterns or pick out key colours. You can match your divan to the curtains or the wallpaper. You can match it to the carpet to create an illusion of space. However you do it, make that bed a focal point. It dominates the room already so you might as well go with the designer flow.
Use Your Ceiling Space
The ceiling in your bedroom is unused space and that’s a tragedy. Style experts at the Spruce reckon you should paint your ceiling a slightly lighter colour than the walls to emphasise height and depth. They also suggest styling the ceiling with stencilling to continue patterns, and you can even add materials to your ceiling to give the illusion of a four-poster bed.
Modern trends include placing glitter on the ceiling instead of mirrors. A chandelier could be the statement piece you asked for and a dimmer switch could enhance those lighting affects and add atmosphere to the room without you having to redecorate a whole room. Dress the bed, turn the lights down low, and you could have the sanctuary you have been hoping for.
Consider a Theme or Style
Too often we resort to choosing a colour scheme straight away. We don’t think beyond that, in terms of theme. What if you choose a theme or style for the room that revolved around a particular culture or country? What if your theme reflected your love of sports cars or prosecco? Whatever themes and styles are close to your heart, the bedroom is where you can turn those ideas into expressions.

When choosing a theme it’s important to not go overboard into the tasteless. A few nods here and there in the artwork, the shape of the furniture or in the lighting, is all it takes to make a room themed. A music themed room might have a few music notes or a guitar-shaped table. Otherwise, don’t go overboard with the décor.
Soften with Fabric
The bedroom is the one room of the house that looks better the softer you make it. The best way to instantly soften a room, is by adding soft furnishings. Consider footstools and table covers, think about hanging fabric in key areas of the wall or ceiling to add texture. Consider covering things like TVs while they are not in use. The softer the coverings, the better the results.
Think fabrics placed in multiple layers will add a whimsical feel to any room. Thicker fabrics will block out light but dim the atmosphere. It’s important to use the correct balance to get the style of the room just right. Warm and comfortable is a different thing from warm and so dark you can’t see.
Further Thoughts on Style
If you need inspiration for your bedroom, don’t forget we have plenty of style ideas, right here on Culture Southwest.