With the weather getting warmer and the prospect of entertaining our friends and family outside creeping up on us, now is as good of a time as any to start prepping for all those summer garden parties you’ll be having.
Whether you’ve never organised one before or are the host/hostess with the most, here are our top tips on getting ready for your next one.
Get your guestlist in order
First things first, you’ll need to know how many people you’ll be entertaining and look into how many people you’re allowed in your garden at that time due to Covid restrictions, this way you’ll be able to get ahead on everything else. Knowing who will be attending will help you to determine things such as how much seating you’ll need, what drinks you’ll have to supply and whether there are any dietary requirements.
Confirm the location
Location, location, location. We understand it will be in your garden, but which area? Will you host everyone on your patio or decking? Or will you venture out onto the grass?

You could even set out different stations depending on how big your space is. Why not pop your welcome drinks on a table on the patio and serve your food out on the garden? With so many options available, it’s important to confirm where everything will be beforehand.
Get cover arranged (just in case)
We all know what the British weather is like. One day it’ll be bright blue skies and temperatures of 20 degrees or more, and the next day it could be snowing. Get ahead of the game and make sure you have cover available should you need it. A marquee or a tipi are great options, but you’ll need to make sure they’re secured down with a mallet and sturdy pegs to ensure people’s toes don’t get wet!
What’s on the menu?
Now to the fun part, deciding on your menu. Will you offer drinks and nibbles or more of a substantial meal? Whatever you decide on, sort your food and drink per head and make sure you buy in advance to avoid any shortages.

This is also where your guest list will come in handy. Do you have any dietary requirements or know of any guests who like to eat and drink a lot? Now’s your time to get prepared!
What entertainment will you offer?
You may just want to play some background music or, if you have the budget, why not hire a musician to come in to entertain your guests. Shop around for local musicians and see who can provide you with the best price per hour. Remember to always ask for clips of them playing and reviews too.
Get your invites sent and pray for the weather!
Now you’re all planned to perfection, get your invites written and sent and simply pray for the weather! We all love a good garden party, and with these top tips, you’ll be entertaining in style in no time.