Safety First: Six Types of Floor Matting for Business and the Workplace

Read our guide to safety and floor matting, including six types of floor matting for business and the workplace.

With the right use of floor matting in your place of work you can reduce the likelihood of staff or customer injury due to slipping or falling.

From shop entrances to swimming pool edges, there are some high risk locations that can benefit greatly from matting.

Our guide lists six locations where high quality floor matting can be essential.

For more information visit the website of manufacturers and regional safety authorities – such as the Health and Safety Executive in the UK, or the Occupational Safety & Health Administration in the US.

1 – Entrance Mats

Entrance Mats provide safety to any person entering or exiting a building through an main entrance.

Entrances are often likely to be close to areas open to the weather, and are also high footfall locations, meaning it can be vital to ensure customers do not slip due to a wet floor.

Entrance matting systems can be useful for a range of businesses, including shops/stores, offices, residential buildings, and all general purpose buildings with a reasonable footfall.

2 – Workplace Mats

Workplace Mats can be used a wide variety of settings, from commercial and industrial, to residential locations and more.

Workplace mats can improve safety and reduce liability, making them a sensible purchase any a range of locations.

For more information on work place mats consult the appropriate governing body where applicable.

3 – Stair Matting/Treads

Stair Matting/Treads can increase the safety of stairs in industrial and other settings.

Using systems such as COBAGRiP it is possible to reduce the likelihood of slips and falls in high risk areas such as public and factory walkways, ramps and steps.

Pro Tip: What is Zoning?

This graphic explains the basics of floor mat zoning (source):

4 – Playground Mats

Playground Mats can be effective in reducing injury on playground and play areas, reducing liability and harm to young children.

There are various types of playground matting systems available for different uses, such as ringmat playground matting and fatigue step matting.

Useful resource: Playgrounds – risks, benefits and choices @ HSE.gov.uk

5 – Swimming Pool Mats

Swimming Pool Mats reduce liability and risk in an area prone to injury due to constantly being near water.

Swimming pool mats can reduce the risk of slips and falls, dramatically improving safety where used.

6 – Floor Protection Film

Floor Protection Film can be used to protect assets such as carpeting or tiles during times there is a risk of damage.

An example of this is during the building process, where workers often fail to clean boots which would otherwise lead to stains or marks.

Using floor protection film it is possible to keep flooring in prime condition until it is time to remove the film.

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