Home Alone? 4 Great Ways To Help You Relax And Ease Your Worries

Home Alone? 4 Great Ways To Help You Relax And Ease Your Worries - Women Relaxing Reading Book On Rocking Chair

Global research figures are notoriously difficult and time consuming to gather, but according to some of the latest figures in The Guardian, there are 227 million people living alone around the world.

That figure will now be greater, but even that figure is astonishing. The sad fact is that, when you are living alone, you feel vulnerable; and if you are old, Infirm, or simply nervous, this can take its toll.

However, there are measures you can take to help you feel less vulnerable and more confident in your home; and here are some easy ways that you can make your life less worrying when home alone.


It is probably not possible to keep your doors and windows locked 24/7, but by making sure they are locked when you leave your premises and before you settle down for the night you will ease your worries.

Get into a routine of checking window and door locks before every time you leave your home, and when you return.

The same should take place before you settle down to watch TV or eat your evening meal, as you will feel more comfortable if you feel you know your home is clear.

Bolstering your locks with additional locking systems should also be considered as this will bring extra peace of mind


Even if you live in a building that has an intercom, you should consider having one fitted to your personal dwelling. In such a case, you may have control over who you let in, but you have no control over who your neighbours allow.

This is why fitting a personal intercom to your premises is such a great way to ease your mind. Being able to question the person at your door, before even venturing near it, gives you a lot of confidence.

Not only can you have a talking intercom, you can also have a video intercom, which will allow you to see the person at your door. No matter where you live, you will find a company to fit a personal intercom system, and there are many reputable locksmiths in London to help in particular.

An intercom system will help you decide who you want to open the door to, and also when to call the police if you feel there is a threat at your door.


Obviously, if you are living alone, there is probably a reason for it, but no matter what the reason, it does not mean you have to live without a companion. If you want to feel a bit more secure, then a dog would be a perfect choice for you.

Not only loving, but also watchful, a dog will keep you happy and safe. The thing is, feeling comfortable in your home is not only about security, it is also about feeling relaxed.

Most pets can make you feel happier and relaxed in your home, and this translates into you feeling less stressed that you are on your own.

People can become attached to a multitude of different companions, and whether it be a pot-bellied pig or a goldfish, if it makes you happy, you will feel good about life.


In the same vein as a companion, setting a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere in the evening will help you forget about the worries of living alone.

You may prefer to relax with a good read and some soothing music, or watch a movie with a cup of cocoa, but alongside soft lights, ambient smells, and soothing décor to help you sleep, your evenings can be a joy instead of a time of anxiety.

Creating a comfort zone for yourself will help you keep the gremlins in your mind at bay, and lead to a worry free evening and sleep.

Living alone may be worrying at times, but with some home security and a few adjustments to your lifestyle, you too can enjoy the space you live in.

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