If you’re looking for something new to spice up your home or business, wall printing is on the rise and could very well be the solution to your interior design needs.
Gone are the days of patterned wallpaper and solid paint accents — interior designers are all searching for the next big trend, and they may have just found it in wall printing. Precision printing technology allows designers to print custom designs on a mass scale, spanning walls large and small.
The trend is already incredibly popular in Asia and its success has quickly spread to the United States. Now, designers in the UK are rushing to capitalise on the trend. With a mass amount of surface potential, endless possibilities of designs and photos that cater specifically to the client, and with little to no design error, it’s no surprise why. Though not yet as popular as its traditional wall art counterparts, wall printing has several advantages over its competitors that make it an obvious choice in the future of interior design.

The leading company regarding wall printing in the UK is Print On Your Wall Ltd (www.printonyourwall.co.uk). They offer wall printing services throughout the UK but also are partnering with Interior Design Companies. They also have the leading wall printing machine’s exclusive UK and Ireland distribution rights.
Wall Printing vs Wall Mural Alternatives
The number one advantage is the scale that wall printing machines can print. The leading wall printers can print up to unlimited heights with its convenient stitching technique and a resolution of up to 2880dpi, making it advantageous to businesses and homes that need large-scale, crisp, high-resolution designs.
Unlike wallpapers and hand-painted murals, wall printing murals won’t peel or deteriorate in time or unfavourable conditions. As wall printing machines utilise UV ink, they’re less susceptible to scuff marks, scratching, and a faded or dull picture. Plus, the removal process is less of a hassle. All you have to do is paint over it or simply reprint a new mural with wall print art. Wallpapers and wall stickers can be incredibly difficult to remove, and you can often spend hours peeling them away and scraping the sticky residue off your walls.
Alternatively, covering a wall in picture frames can feel clunky and tedious. Opting for a wall sticker or decal can feel substandard and cheap. Whereas wall-printed murals don’t just blend in with the wall, they become the wall. Wall-printed murals aren’t just a decorative item; they’re a feature.
The Endless Design Possibilities of Wall Printing
Additionally, wall prints are entirely customisable. You can choose any image, be it a family photo, your favourite piece of art, or a custom pattern – the choice is simply yours. Those with printed walls can rest assured that whatever they choose will be unique to them, perfect for those tired of choosing from what’s already in stock or want something no one else has. Every home and business needs a signature piece that expresses who they are. If you’re going to stand out, convey your originality, and get all eyes on you – whether those eyes are potential customers walking by or guests walking your halls for the first time – wall printing is the perfect way to do it.
The design possibilities are equally as endless. Gallery wall prints, accent walls, landscape murals, and blown-up personal photos are a great way to add colour, texture, and depth to your home. Since wall printing can be personalised, it’s easy to choose a theme and stick with it without worrying about hunting down the perfect art pieces in stores. We understand the struggle to find the right design to tie a room together; fortunately, your imagination is the only limitation you have with a wall printing machine.
Businesses can have their logo blown up to a large scale without sacrificing quality or use a wall printer to put up smaller signs without sacrificing readability or detail. Sure, businesses can hire muralists and painters to achieve similar results, but wall printers are lightning quick, dry fast, and are free from accidents and mistakes. The design you want will always be the design you get. As the entire process uses advanced precision printing technology, there’s no room for human error or interpretation.
The Use of Wall Printing on Different Materials
One of the best advantages of wall printers is their versatility. Unlike wall murals and paint that need to be applied on flat, smooth surfaces for the best results, murals and images printed with a wall printing machine can be applied to many different surfaces, no matter how bumpy or smooth. There are brick walls, wood, plaster and wooden window blinds. These are just a few of the many materials on which wall printers can print with accuracy while providing outstanding results.
This makes wall printers the best choice for printing outdoors. Since wall printing machines use UV ink, murals painted outside are entirely weather and sun-proof, so you won’t have to worry about fading or cracking or the colours dulling over time due to sun exposure. The colours in your wall-painted mural will remain as bright and vibrant as the first day it was printed.

Wallpaper and paint have their quirks, but at least you’re experienced and comfortable with it. It can be tempting to shy away from wall printing technology due to unfamiliarity. However, the benefits of wall printers greatly outweigh its competitors. It can completely transform a new space with an eye-catching, high-quality, and flawless design. It’s fast, precise, and easily adaptable to any size space you have or any material you need to work with.