If you are looking for places to keep your money so that you can retire and enjoy your life, keep reading. Property investment is one of the best ways to do it but it also comes with a fair amount of challenges.
In this article, I will be talking about the best places to invest that offer top return on investment (ROI) and other benefits.
Let’s get started!
1: The Mediterranean
Location is everything! This is one of the first tips you will get from a real estate agent and for good reason. Location matters and there are some differing opinions as to where to start. Some people argue for choosing something local but if you want to see significant results I suggest thinking outside the box but still within the EU.

You can take advantage of something called investment citizenship. Investment citizenship is a unique path that allows you to invest in real estate and offers a unique citizenship path. Not many places offer this but Cyprus does and it’s a great choice.
Here are a few of the benefits you can expect through an investment citizenship program:
- Access to over one hundred and fifty countries around the world without a visa
- Part of the EU
- Dual citizenship
- Access to education systems throughout the EU
By investing in this special island in the Mediterranean you can expect much more than just a real estate investment. For more information go here.
2: Thinking Outside the Box
When it comes to real estate investing getting started can be expensive. However, you can buy foreclosures for cash throughout the United States. You do not have to be a citizen to purchase property in the US but the easiest way to go about it is to use cash. Although an ex-pat in America can apply for a mortgage and be approved.

You will need to take into consideration that if you are a non-citizen you will not be able to live in the home you purchase, so it would be solely for investment purposes. To find good investments you can check cash properties online. Across America, many houses belong to banks due to foreclosures. Many people have turned over considerable profits by purchasing properties from the bank, updating and reselling.
Some areas to consider are:
- Georgia
- Florida
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Kentucky
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- Nevada
As you can see these places are mostly on the periphery or in the south where the real estate market is heading, because of political and economic issues on the coasts. This is also a great opportunity to buy and rent to earn a passive income. Rents in America can offer a great ROI and many people rent for years as their properties appreciate in value.
3: Taking Advantage of Low Market Buy-Ins
Other places in Europe can also offer great dividends if you know where to look. Due to the global pandemic, many real estate markets have been hit – this makes for a great buyers market and since it is a passing phase the expectation for a steady incline is high. You can check out Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Germany for strong real estate options.
Wrap Up
As you can see real estate investment is still one of the best ways to grow your capital and there are many places to choose from. If you want a lower cost of entry with nice passive income the States may be a good choice. If you are looking for access to many benefits with an opportunity to work, travel, and see significant profits consider Cyprus.