How To Build A Travel Bucket List

Couple dives among corals, fish and turtle in the ocean

Many of us will be wondering if we can take a holiday in 2021. While the pandemic caused travel plans to be put on hold or cancelled completely for millions of people, there is hope that next year, we’ll be able to hop on a plane to somewhere far-flung.  

This renewed hope is largely down to the vaccine being rolled out. As more people are vaccinated, it’s more likely that life will slowly return to normal, which means we might be able to get that dream break we’ve been thinking about all year. 

If you’re among those who are beginning to think about where you’d like to go, now could be the perfect time to plan your travel goals. Here’s a guide to help you create your bucket list of top destinations. 

What type of traveller are you? 

This is a great jumping-off point. By knowing what your travel style is, you can narrow down your options.

For instance, do you love adrenaline-fuelled adventures? Or are you a beach lover? Is soaking up the local culture your thing? Or do you travel to where the major events and festivals are happening? 

By answering these questions, you can work out what you want from a holiday. 

Consider the location

How far are you willing to travel? You might be constrained by how much time you can take off work or other factors, but if you take away this barrier and think about the destinations you’d like to visit, you can see how far you’d be willing to travel for an unforgettable trip. 

Factor in the cost

You also need to look at your budget as this can influence which destinations you add to your list. How much you spend will depend on where you’re going. If you’re thinking of a two-week stay in Australia, for example, it’s likely your flight will cost more than if you fly to Spain.

And if you’re adding Iceland to your bucket list, you might find that day-to-day expenses will be more here than if you were to visit Paris. 

The main things to consider here include travel to the country, from flights to covering the cost of getting the train to the airport; expenses while you’re there; and any additional things you need, such as visas and travel insurance.  

Who are you going with?

If you’re travelling on your own your bucket list will look very different to the one you’d have if you’re going with a partner or in a group. That’s because if you’re travelling on your own, you only have to plan out where you want to visit, whereas if you’re in a group, there are more people to please. 

As a group, you need to all work out what your shared interests are so that you can see what type of holiday style is the most common among you. You’ll also need to work out what everyone’s budget is as this will impact on where you go. 

It can be slightly more complex to work out travel destinations if you’re in a group, however it’s definitely manageable if you all sit down and discuss what you want out of the trip. 

As 2021 approaches, it’s time to think positively and look to where we might get to visit in the coming year. 

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